Mr Barton's fifth grade class, Joe Michell School, 1974-1975

Class Picture
Top row (left to right): 1. Tim Meyers, 2. Roger, 3. Kimberly Woods, 4. Robert Newton, 5. Alison Carver, 6. unidentified, 7. Lynn Bosch, 8. David Ellis, 9. Lisa Maciolek.
Second row: 1. Matt Herbert, 2. Danita Neely, 3. unidentified, 4. Kathi Bowers, 5. Jim Rothstein, 6. Julie Klein, 7. Paul Bonner, 8. Candy Allen, 9. Brian Landingham.
Third row: 1. Den, 2. Randy Garcia?, 3. unidentified, 4. Marcy Flanders, 5. no picture, 6. Donny Malia, 7. Kirk Kusich, 8. Kelly, 9. Newell Griggs.
Fourth row: 1. Mr Barton, 2. April Bunting, 3. Pam Davis, 4. no picture, 5. no picture, 6. no picture, 7. Chris Harper, 8. Jeff Holdener, 9. Mr Mercy.
Credits: From the collection of Kimberly Woods Barry. The picture is marked by ink that was on the back of another picture. If you have a copy of this picture that is in better condition, please submit it to the archive. Thanks to Kim (Woods) Barry, Julie Klein, Rick Byrne, and Marcy (Flanders) Ward for identifying the kids in the picture.


If you can identify any of the unidentified or misidentified people in the picture, or if you would like to share a memory related to the picture, please post a message in the forum discussion of this picture or write to the webmaster.

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