Mr Brogdan's eighth grade class, Junction Avenue School, 1960-1961

class picture
Front row (left to right): 1. Stuart Block, 2. Robert Badcock, 3. John Opper, 4. Ronald Silcocks, 5. William Cowzin, 6. Charles Laudeman, 7. Michael Freeman, 8. Loren Converse, 9. Auther Snyder.
Second row: 1. Jacquelin Walker, 2. Teresita Burbano, 3. Darlene Odell, 4. Rita Garcia, 5. Linda Powers, 6. Betty Murillo, 7. Virginia Brown, 8. Janice Hubley, 9. Michele Rodriques.
Third row: 1. Samuel Stedman, 2. Warren McPherson, 3. Austin Custodia, 4. Roylene Woods, 5. Mr. Edwin Brogdan, 6. Linda Morris, 7. David Rader, 8. Ronald Carling, 9. David Barnes.
Credits: From the collection of Ron Silcocks.


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