Mrs. Timmons' third grade class, East Avenue School, 1959-1960

Mrs Timmons' class picture
Front row (left to right): 1. Jeff ..., 2. Larry DiPietro, 3. Victor Trigger, 4. unidentified, 5. Bill Patterson, 6. Brent Davies, 7. Stepen Patrick, 8. Wes Parley, 9. unidentified, 10. unidentified.
Second row: 1. Carol McDonald, 2. Eleanor Bonner, 3. Jane McNeely, 4. Christine Murphy, 5. Kay Skevington, 6. Marie Aiken, 7. unidentified, 8. Pamela Meyers, 9. Elaine Garcia, 10. unidentified, 11. unidentified.
Back row: 1. Pat Lyons, 2. Darrell Irivng, 3. Gerald Hicks, 4. Philip Eckert, 5. unidentified, 6. unidentified, 7. Elaine Meyers, 8. Danny Barr, 9. unidentified, 10. Donald Skinrood, 11. John Cary, 12. Ralph Satter(sp).
Standing behind her class: Mrs. Timmons.
Credits: From the collection of Phil Eckert.


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